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Large crowd at March for Life in Dublin told to “vote pro-life”

Large crowd at March for Life in Dublin told to “vote pro-life”

The large crowd who turned out in Dublin for the March for Life on Bank Holiday Monday were urged to vote pro-life in the country's upcoming local and European elections. With the latest figures in Ireland suggesting that there may have been over 10,000 abortions in...

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How ‘DIY’ home abortion is placing woman at risk:
A presentation of the evidence

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Euthanasia law rejected by Portugal’s Constitutional Court

Euthanasia law rejected by Portugal’s Constitutional Court

A Portuguese court has rejected its Parliament’s attempt to introduce euthanasia into the country, pointing to the “intolerable vagueness” of the proposed legislation. On Monday, the Constitutional Court in Portugal rejected a law to introduce euthanasia for the...

20,000 attend March for Life in Paris

20,000 attend March for Life in Paris

As a group of politicians in France attempt to make abortion part of the constitution and seek to introduce a law allowing euthanasia, Paris’ annual March for Life has responded with a resounding ‘non’. Held every year on the third Sunday of January to commemorate the...

Maltese Government tables abortion up to birth Bill

Maltese Government tables abortion up to birth Bill

This afternoon the Maltese Government introduced a Bill to the Maltese Parliament that will introduce de facto abortion on demand, for any reason, up to birth in Malta. The Maltese Government earlier indicated that it would introduce a change to legislation that would...

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Chile rejects abortion

Chile rejects abortion

Chile’s lower Chamber of Deputies has rejected a Bill that sought to introduce abortion on demand up to 14 weeks gestation. The legislation, introduced in January this year, sought to amend the current Chilean penal code so that the current prohibitions on abortion...

Crowd takes to the streets for India’s March for Life

Crowd takes to the streets for India’s March for Life

Nearly five times as many people gathered for the 2023 March for Life in India compared to the previous year, as close to 1,000 pro-lifers marched to oppose 52 years of legal abortion in India.  Youth activists raise awareness This summer, the second national...

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Oregon is no model for ‘assisted dying’

Oregon is no model for ‘assisted dying’

Assisted-dying advocates love to point to the US state of Oregon as a possible model for an assisted-dying law. Yes, they might begrudgingly acknowledge that Canada and the Netherlands have taken things a bit too far. But Oregon – where assisted dying has been...

Do not trust the assisted dying bill’s safeguards

Do not trust the assisted dying bill’s safeguards

Labour MP’s Kim Leadbeater’s assisted dying bill has the “strictest safeguards anywhere in the world”, according to Labour MP Kim Leadbeater. In fact, the safeguards are so strong that Leadbeater could not even tell us what they were when she published those words at...

Assisted dying is a corruption of medicine

Assisted dying is a corruption of medicine

Over the past 50 years, both the lay and medical communities in many Western nations have gradually accepted the idea of assisted dying. There is no guarantee that Britain’s MPs will follow suit when the assisted-dying bill comes before parliament at the end of...