Petition signed

Before you leave…

Ahead of the General Election on 4 July, do you want to find out where your local MP candidates stand on abortion?

You can find out now using our Vote For Both Lives tool, which you can access by entering your postcode below:

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Ask your local candidates to take the Both Lives Pledge

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Ask your local MP candidates to take the Both Lives Pledge

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Where do your local MP candidates stand on abortion?

will they sign the pledge?

In the lead up to the 2024 General Election, ask your MP candidates if they will sign the Both Lives Pledge.

Graphic with text 'The Both Lives Pledge' in bold and script typography on a grey background.

The pledge outlines three policy changes that are designed to increase protection for babies in the womb and stop pregnancy discrimination for women – policies that will save lives by protecting and supporting both mother and child. These policies are likely to be brought forward in the next parliament.

if elected, I pledge to:

Stop discrimination against baby girls

Stop discrimination against baby girls

Stop discrimination against baby girls by supporting a law change to clarify that sex-selective abortion is illegal.

+ learn more

Lower the abortion time limit

Lower the abortion time limit

Bring our law closer to the laws in the majority of EU countries by lowering the gestational time limit for abortion.

+ learn more

Stop pregnancy and maternity discrimination

Stop pregnancy and maternity discrimination

Support women in the workplace by backing policies designed to stop pregnancy and maternity discrimination.

+ learn more

Are you an MP candidate?

 Click here or email to sign the pledge.

Will your MP candidates sign the both lives pledge

The more MP candidates that respond, the better informed the public will be


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