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Large crowd at March for Life in Dublin told to vote pro-life
May 9, 2024

Large crowd at March for Life in Dublin told to "vote pro-life"

Woman almost dies after ectopic pregnancy, which may have been masked by abortion
March 27, 2024

Woman almost dies after ectopic pregnancy, which may have been masked by abortion

February 16, 2024

A record of over 10,000 abortions in Ireland in 2023, new figures suggest

Prohibition against the deliberate killing of a patient removed from Irish Medical Council ethical guidance
February 6, 2024

Prohibition against "the deliberate killing of a patient" removed from Irish Medical Council ethical guidance

“No dignity” for family of Irish man who died by assisted suicide
January 10, 2024

“No dignity” for family of Irish man who died by assisted suicide

Irish Gov. spends €46m on abortion provision and nothing on abortion alternatives
November 16, 2023

Irish Gov. spends €46m on abortion provision and nothing on promoting abortion alternatives

September 28, 2023

Irish TDs whipped to support "draconian" buffer zone Bill that criminalises offers of help outside…

Over 2,600 women in Ireland had their babies instead of abortion after three-day waiting period
September 19, 2023

Over 2,600 women in Ireland had their babies instead of abortion after three-day waiting period

Ireland abortions highest on record for 2022, one abortion for every seven live births
June 23, 2023

Ireland abortions highest on record for 2022, one abortion for every seven live births

Thousands attend March for Life in Dublin
May 10, 2023

Thousands attend March for Life in Dublin

Irish abortion review recommends doctors be immune from prosecution for abortion up to birth
May 5, 2023

Irish abortion review recommends doctors be immune from prosecution for abortion up to birth

Thousands of women in Ireland had their babies instead of abortion after three-day waiting period
April 12, 2023

Thousands of women in Ireland had their babies instead of abortion after three-day waiting period

Irish Government spent almost €1 million promoting abortion-referral service
March 1, 2023

Irish Government spent almost €1 million promoting abortion-referral service

Ireland, man guilty of attempted murder and intentional ending the life of unborn baby at 32 weeks gestation
February 6, 2023

Ireland, man guilty of attempted murder and intentional ending the life of unborn baby at…

Irish man with Down's syndrome delivers letter to doctor saying that abortion on the grounds of Down’s syndrome was “very wrong” and “unfair”
January 17, 2023

Irish man with Down's syndrome delivers letter to doctor saying that abortion on the grounds…

Irish abortion provider calls for abortion up to birth
January 2, 2023

Irish abortion provider calls for abortion up to birth