December 22, 2021
Doctor booked abortion for baby with Down’s syndrome without asking mother December 1, 2021
Bill to ban sex-selective abortion introduced to NSW Parliament October 11, 2021
Pro-life politician selected as Premier of Australia’s largest state September 26, 2019
Australia: New South Wales' extreme abortion bill becomes law September 20, 2019
Pro-life Australian MPs pass amendment to prevent sex-selective abortion September 12, 2019
Australia: Amendments banning sex-selective abortion in NSW likely to be opposed August 22, 2019
Australian pro-lifer told to ‘go back where you came from’ in racially charged letter from… August 20, 2019
Australia: Extreme abortion Bill delayed until September August 14, 2019
MPs in Australia receive death threats for voting against extreme abortion laws July 31, 2019
Extreme abortion legislation delayed in Australia