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disability abortion

Olympics opening celebrates three women responsible for law introducing disability abortion ahead of Paralympic Games
August 9, 2024

Olympics opening celebrates three women responsible for law introducing disability abortion ahead of Paralympic Games

Mother of child with Down’s syndrome refused abortion and founded a non-profit
January 5, 2024

Mother of child with Down’s syndrome refused abortion and founded a non-profit

Three Mobile + update on Heidi’s case
July 13, 2022

Landmark abortion disability discrimination case heard at Court of Appeal

New study triggers fears that people with autism may be 'screened out'
December 24, 2021

New study triggers fears that people with autism may be 'screened out'

Girl whose parents refused an abortion is now two years old and walking after surgery in the womb
November 12, 2021

Girl whose parents refused an abortion is now two years old and walking after surgery…

Justice Lieven
September 23, 2021

Judge who ruled that disability abortion up to birth is not discrimination has long history…

September 23, 2021

Woman with Down’s syndrome to take abortion case to Court of Appeal

Baby whom doctors advised should be aborted, now ‘happiest wee girl’
September 15, 2021

Baby whom doctors advised should be aborted, now ‘happiest wee girl’

July 16, 2021

UK firms selling Down’s syndrome test from Chinese company harvesting data from millions of unborn…

Mother ignored advice to abort her son who has Down’s syndrome, he is now “thriving”
June 13, 2021

Mother ignored advice to abort her son who has Down’s syndrome, he is now “thriving”

Scotland abortion numbers rise to second-highest ever on record, accompanies introduction of ‘DIY’ home abortions
May 26, 2021

Scotland abortion numbers rise to second-highest ever on record, accompanies introduction of ‘DIY’ home abortions

Richard Dawkins claims it is 'sensible' to abort babies who have Down’s syndrome or are blind or deaf
May 14, 2021

Richard Dawkins claims it is 'sensible' to abort babies who have Down’s syndrome or are…

Mother of BBC’s Line of Duty star with Down's syndrome thankful she did not have pre-natal test
April 13, 2021

Mother of BBC’s Line of Duty star with Down's syndrome thankful she did not have…

25000 people call for end to abortion up to birth for disabilities including Down’s syndrome in NI
March 13, 2021

25,000 people call for end to abortion up to birth for disabilities including Down’s syndrome…

Disability campaigner addresses NI Assembly in support of stopping abortion up to birth for Down’s syndrome
March 12, 2021

Disability campaigner addresses NI Assembly in support of stopping abortion up to birth for Down’s…