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Heidi Crowter

Heidi Crowter to take case to European Court of Human Rights
May 18, 2023

Heidi Crowter to take case to European Court of Human Rights

Activist against discriminatory abortion, Heidi Crowter, recognised in top '100 Women' by BBC
December 9, 2022

Activist against discriminatory abortion, Heidi Crowter, recognised in top '100 Women' by BBC

Woman with Down’s syndrome vows to fight on against UK’s discriminatory abortion laws
November 25, 2022

Woman with Down’s syndrome vows to fight on against UK’s discriminatory abortion laws

Woman with Down’s syndrome granted permission to have her case against the Govt. over discriminatory abortion law heard
March 9, 2022

Woman with Down’s syndrome granted permission to have her case against the Govt. over discriminatory…

October 6, 2021

Discrimination in the womb: Neither Heidi Crowter nor her husband feel Down’s Syndrome means their…

Justice Lieven
September 23, 2021

Judge who ruled that disability abortion up to birth is not discrimination has long history…

September 23, 2021

Woman with Down’s syndrome to take abortion case to Court of Appeal

Disability rights campaigners rally outside High Court as case over discriminatory abortion law heard
July 7, 2021

Disability rights campaigners rally outside High Court as case over discriminatory abortion law heard

Woman with Down’s syndrome’s case against UK Govt over discriminatory abortion law to be heard by High Court in July
July 6, 2021

Woman with Down’s syndrome’s case against UK Govt over discriminatory abortion law heard by High…

Woman with Down’s syndrome’s case against UK Govt over discriminatory abortion law to be heard by High Court in July
May 4, 2021

Woman with Down’s syndrome’s case against UK Govt over discriminatory abortion law to be heard…

Disability campaigner addresses NI Assembly in support of stopping abortion up to birth for Down’s syndrome
March 12, 2021

Disability campaigner addresses NI Assembly in support of stopping abortion up to birth for Down’s…

Carla Lockhart MP appointed Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group in Westminster
February 24, 2021

Carla Lockhart MP appointed Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group in Westminster

June 16, 2020

Prime Minister receives huge petition against disability abortion from Heidi Crowter

May 28, 2020

Mother of baby with Down's syndrome joins landmark case against discriminatory abortion law

May 15, 2020

Winning hearts and minds around the world: Heidi Crowter featured in Australian media

March 3, 2020

Scottish mothers join growing support for legal challenge to UK’s discriminatory abortion law