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Find out how your MP voted on assisted suicide and ask your MP to vote NO at Third Reading

After the disappointing vote at Second Reading of the Leadbeater assisted suicide Bill on Friday, we wanted to get in touch with information on how you can see which way your MP voted and to let you know about an important action we need you to take.

While the Bill passed its first hurdle, the vote was far closer than many commentators expected, and this is just the start of a long journey through the Commons and Lords before it could become law.

With more time to understand the major issues with legalising assisted suicide, many MPs could shift to opposing this Bill. If enough do, the Bill can still be defeated at Third Reading, preventing this dangerous Bill from becoming law.


Your MP needs to know there are a large number of people in their constituency who continue to be strongly engaged on this issue and that you want them to oppose the Leadbeater assisted suicide Bill at Third Reading.

Please take action and click the button below to find out how your MP voted and ask them to vote NO at Third Reading. It only takes 30 seconds.

If your MP replies, please forward their response to me at This information is crucial for our Public Affairs team as they plan the next steps to stop this Bill.