Respond to the consultation
on the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill
The consultation has now closed
The Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill will remove the current grounds in the Northern Ireland abortion regulations that were imposed on Northern Ireland that allow abortion for ‘severe fetal impairment’.
Under these grounds in the regulations, babies with disabilities including Down’s syndrome, cleft lip and club foot can currently be singled out for abortion in Northern Ireland because of their disability and can be aborted right up to birth.
The Northern Ireland Health Committee is now undertaking a consultation on the Bill and is seeking submissions from the public.
The consultation closes at 11:59pm on 7 May 2021. Full information on the consultation is available here.
If you use the easy-to-use tool above to respond, your response will then be sent to the Northern Ireland Health Committee. To find out how the Northern Ireland Health Committee handles your personal data, please see its privacy policy.
We have included a suggested submission as part of the tool, however if you have time, we recommend writing this in your own words and adding in any other points you feel are necessary to cover.
Click the button above to make your submission to the consultation now.

Respond to the consultation
on the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion
(Amendment) Bill