We just wanted to first thank everyone who helped with getting medical professionals to sign the open letter calling for MPs to support Caroline Ansell’s amendment to lower the abortion time limit.
Over 700 medical professionals have signed the letter and The Telegraph ran an exclusive article yesterday about these 700 medical professionals calling for this life saving pro-life change to our abortion laws. They are calling it the “biggest change to the law for a generation”.
This was featured on the front page of the Daily Telegraph print edition yesterday and was also picked up by a number of other media outlets.
Gaining major high profile media coverage in national newspapers is a vital part of building support for this change and it could not have happened without your help. So thank you!
We also wanted to update you with some more exciting news.
Thanks to the help of thousands of people like you around the country who have asked friends and family to sign the petition to the Prime Minister calling for a reduction in the abortion time limit, we have gone well beyond our target milestone of 90,000 and now have 91,523 signatures on the petition!
If you haven’t signed the petition yet, you can do so now by clicking here.

Our next goal is to hit our final target of 100,000 signatures which we are aiming to hit by midnight on this Sunday (17 March) – but we can only hit this target with your help. We now have just 8,477 to go!
TAKE ACTION (Help us get this over the line)
The most effective way you can play a part in ensuring we hit this next milestone is by encouraging more friends and family to sign the petition.
Please take action now and forward this email on to at least ten additional people who can help out by signing the petition – or message at least ten people over WhatsApp by clicking the button below:
The more friends and family you can share this with, the quicker we can reach our final target of 100,000 signatures by midnight on this Sunday (17 March), and ensure this petition has as big an impact as possible.
P.S. You can check the live counter at https://righttolife.org.uk/abortiontimelimitpetition