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See your MP’s entire voting record on life issues

The Where Do They Stand e-democracy platform has now been updated with the two recent votes on abortion.

If you have not used the platform, I would recommend taking a look at it now. It works like our email MP functions – all you need to do is enter your postcode. It will then produce a simple traffic-light outline of how your MP has voted on life issues during their time in Parliament.

The page also includes other useful information on your MP (contact details, links to their Twitter account, Facebook account and Wikipedia page) which makes it easier for you to have all their information to hand, ahead of getting in contact with them on life issues.

There is also an excellent resource on the home page of the site which outlines areas where ComRes polling shows the majority of the population actually support restricting our current abortion laws. It also shows that while some may identify as ‘pro-choice’, the vast majority of the population do not support the absolute ‘pro-choice’ position – which is legalising abortion on demand, for any reason, up to birth. You will see there that only 1% of women in the UK support this position.

We have found highlighting these figures in conversations with MPs can be very useful in demonstrating how far out-of-line with public opinion our current abortion legislation is. The polling shows that it is likely that the majority of their constituents are, in fact, far more supportive of restricting rather than introducing more extreme abortion legislation.



Ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law