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Pregnant woman set on fire by her husband because she refused to get an abortion

A five month pregnant Lebanese woman is fighting for her life in hospital with third degree burns all over her body after her husband set her on fire with a gas canister for refusing to have an abortion.

Hana Mohammed Khodor, 21, was five months pregnant when her husband attacked her earlier this month. Sadly, her baby died during the attack and Hana’s chances of survival are described by her doctors as “very bleak”.

Her husband, identified as AA, who has since been arrested was planning on fleeing the country. The horrific attack is alleged to have started after Hana told her husband she wanted to keep their baby.. AA then viciously beat his wife before setting her on fire with a gas canister. Hana is reported to have third-degree all over her body and barely holding on life support.

Her situation is extremely critical due to the severity, and huge areas of her body that got burned

Family friend Abdul Rahman Haddad said that her situation is “too delicate and serious.”

“She needs 15 blood platelets (transfusions) daily, and each costs $100, aside from the daily costs of the hospital bed, medical equipment and ICU treatment. Her family is extremely poor, and she is a young woman … they need any form of medical assistance,” said Haddad.

Doctor Gabriel Al-Sabe’e said Hana undergoes several operations daily since she was admitted to hospital.

“She is on life support and gets resuscitated daily. Her situation is extremely critical due to the severity, and huge areas of her body that got burned,” he added.

If Hana survives, it is likely she will spend many more months in hospital.

Right To Life UK spokesperson, Catherine Robinson, said: “This is a truly appalling attack and we all hope that Hana is able to pull through. This brave woman stood up to her husband who was attempting to pressure her into having an abortion.”

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