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NI action alert 🔥 Stormont vote Monday

On Monday, MLAs will vote on the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill at Further Consideration Stage.

The Bill would allow the introduction of censorship zones outside abortion clinics and hospitals offering abortions across Northern Ireland. This would effectively criminalise offers of assistance, advice or even praying in these censorship zones.

Many women across the UK have said that if it were not for the practical support that they were offered by pro-life people as they were entering an abortion clinic, they would have gone ahead with the abortion and their babies would not be alive today.

If this Bill passes, offering this much-needed support will be effectively banned in these censorship zones and many lives could be lost.


At Committee Stage of the Bill, a public consultation was undertaken and only 13 of the 6,412 submissions from members of the public supported the Bill. Despite this overwhelming opposition from among the general public, the Committee decided to progress the Bill onto the next stage and MLAs voted it through at Consideration Stage.

This Bill will likely be given a chance to become law before the Assembly is dissolved for elections. This is not another Bill that will not be given time to pass; it is a real threat and it is vital that MLAs are encouraged to oppose it.


It’s vital that it is clear to MLAs that their constituents oppose this Bill and that they must vote against it. 

This is especially important given the Stormont elections are so close.

Please click the button below to contact your local MLAs on this now. It only takes 30 seconds using our easy-to-use tool.

Once you have contacted your local MLAs, please do encourage friends and family to do the same.