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New moves to introduce pro-life law to Croatia underway

Politicians in Croatia have begun procedures to introduce strong pro-life legislation into the country that aims to protect life from conception.

Currently, the law permits abortion up until 10 weeks’ gestation and allows abortion after that point in limited circumstances.

Under the new proposals, abortion would be permitted only if a mother’s life was in danger. Instead, under the party’s proposals, the focus would be on education, counselling and prevention.

Politicians started gathering signatures on Monday of this week. They need at least 30 for the matter to be included on parliament’s agenda. They have appealed to all the lawmakers who have previously said they are pro-life to sign the petition.

“Now we will see whether they care more about values or party discipline”

Hrvoje Zekanović said: “This is a chance for all those who call themselves Christian Democrats to prove that they are indeed prepared to protect human life from its conception”.

“Now we will see whether they care more about values or party discipline, especially members of the (ruling) HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) whose president is so afraid of raising this issue that he did not even honour the deadline which the Constitutional Court gave him a long time ago to change the law”.

In 2017 the Constitutional Court ordered parliament to pass a new law on abortion within two years, which has not happened. 

This moves comes after Poland has introduced strong legal protections for babies in the womb, recently banning abortion on the grounds of disability. The previous law in Poland, which permitted abortion on these grounds, was found to be incompatible with the constitution, which forbids such discrimination.

Right To Life UK spokesperson, Catherine Robinson said: “Babies in the womb deserve the same legal protection as everyone else. It is encouraging to see more countries trying to introduce legislation to protect life at its most vulnerable”. 

“As Zekanović implies, attempts to introduce pro-life legislation are a chance for voters to see where politicians’ loyalities really lie. Are they really pro-life, and willing to put their name on a bill which says as much? Or are they more concerned with their place in their party and seeming to be pro-life to getvotes? Whether or not this vote is successful, it will at least let voters know which of their representatives are genuinely pro-life and which aren’t”.

“It is now vital that pro-lifers across Croatia urgently contact their Sabor members asking them to add their signature to this proposal to ensure that this important issue is included on the Croatian Parliament’s agenda.”

to protect vulnerable lives

Help stop three major anti-life threats.

Only hours left to give to the appeal to stop major threat of introducing an extreme assisted suicide law.

Dear reader,

Last month, news reports revealed that the Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, was “paving the way” for a Bill on assisted suicide to be “rushed into law”.

Labour MP Kim Leadbeater came first in the Private Members’ Bill ballot, allowing her to be able to introduce the first Private Members’ Bill into the Commons. It then appears she caved to pressure from Starmer and the assisted suicide lobby to take forward a Bill to legalise assisted suicide.

The Leadbeater assisted suicide Bill was then introduced to Parliament on Wednesday 16 October and now we are faced with a vote on assisted suicide on 29 November 2024.

Our nation is now on the verge of a monumental shift in how we treat human life and the vulnerable, in a similar way to what we faced two generations ago in 1967 when the Abortion Act was introduced.

The introduction of assisted suicide and/or euthanasia in countries overseas has been a disaster.

The horror stories that are coming out of Canada are likely the ones that you are most familiar with. These include:  

  • army veterans with PTSD being offered 'medical assistance in dying' (MAID) 
  • patients citing poverty or housing uncertainty as their main reason for seeking to end their lives through ‘MAID’
  • numbers spiralling out of control: in 2016 when ‘MAID’ was introduced, there were just over 1,000 cases but by 2022 this escalated to 13,241 deaths, accounting for 4.1% of all deaths in Canada.
  • Canada is now on the verge of introducing euthanasia and assisted suicide for people with mental health issues, with this change in the law coming into effect in 2027.

There is also truly shocking evidence coming out of other countries and jurisdictions that have introduced assisted suicide and/or euthanasia.

If this extreme proposal to change our laws passes, hundreds of thousands of vulnerable lives will be at risk over the coming decades.

We cannot allow this to happen on our watch.

There are now only five weeks left to defeat this major threat.

To stop this extreme change to our laws, we are working on the largest campaign we have ever run as an organisation. This campaign comes at a major cost and we need to raise the money now for this campaign to be successful.

To ensure we effectively defeat this extreme assisted suicide Bill over the coming five weeks, we are aiming to raise at least £100,000 by midnight this Sunday (27 October 2024).

This is the minimum we are looking to raise. If we can raise more, we’ll be able to do much more to win this battle.

We are, therefore, appealing to you to please give as generously as you can. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a crucial difference in saving vulnerable lives from this extreme law change.

By stopping these threats, YOU can save vulnerable lives from an extreme assisted suicide law.

Will you make a donation now to help protect vulnerable lives from this major threat?

to protect vulnerable lives

Help stop three major anti-life threats.

Only hours left to give to the appeal to stop major threat of introducing an extreme assisted suicide law.