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Baby born at 26 weeks spends first Christmas in hospital

A baby born at 26 weeks in New Zealand, will be spending his first Christmas in hospital with his parents.

Amon Zare Josiah de Dios was born in a hospital in Wellington after his mother experienced pre-eclampsia during her second trimester. Amon was born extremely early weighing only 500g.

“We are actually taking him as a miracle baby, because the midwife said because of the shape of my uterus it’s hard for me to conceive”, his mother, Divine, said.

Amon’s mother and father were told that he had a low chance of survival and doctors were expecting to have to resuscitate him at birth. Instead, they heard his loud cries and were thrilled. Unfortunately, one of the vessels in his heart was open and he needed medicine.

Not the Christmas we were expecting

He’s now on an oxygen machine and has a gastric feeding tube, but he’s putting on weight – at 30 weeks and five days he weighed 789g.

Amon’s parents are staying at the Ronald McDonald House across the road from the hospital where their son is being looked after and are able to visit him four or five times a day.

Her sister and mother will spend Christmas day with the couple.

“This is not the Christmas we were expecting, but we are still thankful”.

Only two weeks after the abortion time limit in England, Wales and Scotland

Amon was born at 26 weeks which is only two weeks after the legal abortion limit in England,Wales and Scotland. Some babies are born even more prematurely than that and go on to survive.

Despite more and more accounts of babies being born and surviving outside of their mother’s womb at an earlier and earlier stage, the abortion limit remains at 24 weeks gestation and all the way up to birth for babies with disabilities.

Right To Life UK spokesperson, Catherine Robinson, said:

“This is yet another wonderful story about a baby born around or just after the abortion limit who has gone on to thrive. While Amon was offered all the medical help and technology that New Zealand had to offer, sadly there are many babies at a similar gestational age whose lives are intentionally ended through medical technology also. When will our politicians wake up and see the contradiction?”

​​Dear reader,

On Friday 29 November, MPs narrowly voted to support Kim Leadbeater’s dangerous assisted suicide Bill at Second Reading.

But this is only the first step - there’s still time to stop it.

An analysis published in The Independent shows that at least 36 MPs who supported the Bill made it clear they did so only to allow time for further debate or they have concerns that mean they won’t commit to supporting the Bill at Third Reading.

With the vote passing by a margin of 55, just 28 MPs switching their stance to oppose the Bill would ensure it is defeated at Third Reading.

With more awareness of the serious risks, many MPs could change their position.

If enough do, we can defeat this Bill at Third Reading and stop it from becoming law.

You can make a difference right now by contacting your MP to vote NO at Third Reading. It only takes 30 seconds using our easy-to-use tool, which you can access by clicking the button below.