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ACTION ALERT – Stop Stella Creasy’s new extreme abortion up to birth amendment

Pro-abortion MP Stella Creasy has tabled a new abortion up to birth amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill.

If this extreme law change passes, it would make it far more likely that babies are aborted at home for any reason, up to birth.

Stella Creasy’s amendment would also make sex-selective abortion legal through to 24 weeks, along with removing a number of other safeguards provided by the Abortion Act.

In addition, it would remove key deterrents against hiding a dead baby included in Section 60 of the Offences Against the Person Act. Section 60 is currently used to make it illegal to hide the body of a dead newborn baby, including in circumstances when the baby has been killed through infanticide. 

Creasy’s proposed law change could make it easier to cover up infanticides.

These extreme changes to the law would likely lead to a tragic increase in the number of babies’ lives being ended through late-term abortions performed at home, as well as the lives of many more women being endangered.

This would be the biggest change to abortion legislation since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967.


Thank you to the thousands of people who have already written to their MPs asking them to oppose Diana Johnson MP’s extreme abortion amendment, which was tabled earlier – people using our tool have reached an amazing 99.5% of MPs!

Stella Creasy is attempting to position her amendment as a moderate alternative to Diana Johnson’s amendment, but as explained above, it is in no way moderate!

It’s very important that you urgently contact your MP to let them know how extreme Stella Creasy’s new proposed law change is and that they must vote against it.

As part of our ongoing work to stop abortion up to birth coming to the UK, tonight we have launched the No To Abortion Up To Birth campaign.

This is a major nationwide campaign that will be entirely focused on defeating attempts to hijack the Criminal Justice Bill that would introduce extreme changes to our abortion laws.

We have just launched the No To Abortion Up To Birth campaign site, which includes an easy-to-use tool that makes it simple for you to send an email to your MP asking them to oppose Stella Creasy’s extreme abortion up to birth amendment.

Please click the button below to contact your MP now. It only takes 30 seconds.

Thank you for your help during this crucial time.