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Ask your MP to protect life in the new Parliament


Ask your MP to protect life in the new Parliament

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We are likely to face threats in the new Parliament on both the beginning and end of life.

We are expecting new attempts from MPs to introduce an extreme abortion law that would make it more likely that healthy babies are aborted at home for any reason, up to birth.

This would likely lead to a significant increase in the number of women performing late-term abortions at home, endangering the lives of many more women. 

It would also lead to an increased number of viable babies’ lives being ended well beyond the 24-week abortion time limit and beyond the point at which they would be able to survive outside the womb.

Ask your MP to protect life in the new Parliament scaled

On the end-of-life front, Lord Falconer is going to be introducing a Bill in the House of Lords to legalise assisted suicide and the new Prime Minister has pledged that he will make time for MPs to vote on the introduction of assisted suicide.

It’s important to make it clear to MPs at the start of this parliamentary cycle that they have a large number of voters in their constituency who don’t want to see extreme changes to our abortion laws or the introduction of assisted suicide.

Many MPs are also new to Parliament and will not be aware of the dangers of making extreme changes to our abortion laws or introducing assisted suicide. It is important that they quickly understand the risks and are made aware of the strength of opposition to any such moves.

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Ask your MP to protect
life in the new Parliament