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Euthanasia generally involves a health practitioner administering a lethal dose to intentionally end a person’s life, usually in the form of a lethal injection.

Euthanasia is different from assisted suicide, in that assisted suicide involves the person ending their own life administering a lethal dose themselves, whereas euthanasia usually involves a health practitioner administering a lethal dose.

Assisted suicide is legal in a handful of jurisdictions globally including Holland, Belgium, Canada, Colombia and Luxembourg. 

Right To Life UK campaigns against any attempt to legalise such euthanasia, and for the development of palliative care services and end of life care that remove any perceived need for euthanasia.

Latest news on Euthanasia
Canada: woman offered euthanasia when she went for her mastectomy

Canada: woman offered euthanasia when she went for her mastectomy

A woman in Canada was offered the choice of euthanasia or assisted suicide multiple times, including once as she was about to undergo life-saving surgery for breast cancer - a situation that medical professionals have said is not uncommon. Speaking anonymously, the...