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The abortion lobby, led by UK’s largest abortion provider, BPAS, has worked with Diana Johnson MP to bring forward an amendment to hijack the Domestic Abuse Bill to make the biggest change to abortion legislation since 1967.

This amendment will come forward at Report Stage, which will be on Monday 6 July.

The amendment would repeal sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act. If sections 58 and 59 were repealed, this would remove almost all current legal safeguards on abortion, up until when a child is capable of being born alive, with a ceiling of 28 weeks. 

This would introduce abortion on demand, for any reason (including sex-selective abortion). The change would be the most extensive change to abortion legislation since 1967 and would leave England and Wales with one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world. Diana Johnson MP has also introduced an amendment which will allow both medical and surgical abortions to take place anywhere if a woman is in an abusive relationship.

Please write to your MP now asking them to oppose the introduction of these amendments to the Domestic Abuse Bill.

Ask your MP to oppose introducing an extreme abortion law to England and Wales