respond to the
House of Common’s
assisted suicide inquiry
This consultation has now closed.
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The House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee has launched an inquiry into assisted suicide and euthanasia.
This means that the Committee is calling for evidence from members of the public and from expert organisations in related fields. They will then compile all of this evidence, explore the arguments on all sides of the debate and then make recommendations on suggested next steps for the Government.
The deadline for submitting evidence is at 23.59pm on Friday 20 January 2023.
We know the the pro-assisted suicide lobby will certainly be trying to influence the direction of this Committee’s investigation and the recommendations it produces, and indeed they have long seen an inquiry of this kind as a first step towards changing the law.
It is incredibly important that we show the Health and Social Care Select Committee that the public does not want to introduce assisted suicide and that there are many important reasons why it should be firmly rejected.
We have therefore created an easy-to-use tool on our website that will help you to respond to this inquiry with your views on assisted suicide. If you use the easy-to-use tool below to respond, your response will then be submitted through the Health and Social Care Select Committee’s inquiry submission website here. The questions in this tool are exactly the same as the questions you’ll find if you go through the Health and Social Care Select Committee’s inquiry submission website.
We have provided the tool to give a way for the public to make a submission that is easy to complete and helps with making the consultation process accessible to more people. You can find out more about the inquiry on the Committee’s website.
For this survey, your responses will not be published, but some anonymised extracts from the responses may be quoted in the report produced by the Committee. Data related to the form will be deleted after 12 months. You can find more information about data protection through the privacy notice on the Parliament website.
We are encouraging supporters to respond to this short six-question survey. However, if you have in-depth expertise or a background in areas such as health and social care, mental health, ethics or related academic disciplines, we would strongly recommend you consider submitting more detailed evidence using the Committee’s portal. You do not need to answer all of the questions in that more detailed survey, you can answer as many or as few as you would like. Please read the terms of reference for this particular inquiry and the general guidance on providing written evidence, as the Health and Social Care Committee may treat the more detailed written evidence slightly differently to the short six-question survey responses.