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Ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law


Ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law

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Recent news reports have suggested the Prime Minister is “paving the way” for a parliamentary vote before Christmas on legalising assisted suicide.

The reports suggest that a Bill on the subject is set to be “rushed into law” and that MPs who were successful in the recent ‘Private Members’ Bill’ ballot in the House of Commons are being urged to bring forward legislation on this controversial issue.

This is very concerning and presents the biggest threat on this issue in nearly a decade. A Private Members’ Bill was the same mechanism used in Parliament to legalise abortion in 1967 and it appears Keir Starmer wishes to use a similar tactic to implement his personal desire for assisted suicide also to become legal. 

Although he has promised parliamentary time for the issue, the Prime Minister had previously indicated that such legislation was unlikely to be brought forward in the first year of a Labour government. It seems he has had a change of heart, however.

Assist us to live not die

One Labour MP, Jake Richards, who was the eleventh MP to be selected in the Private Members’ Bill ballot, has already indicated his intention to bring forward an ‘assisted dying’ bill and it appears the pressure group ‘Dignity in Dying’ has been working hard to lobby other MPs to do so.

It is vital we do all we can to prevent a Private Members’ Bill on assisted suicide being rushed forward at this time before hundreds of new MPs have had a chance to properly hear the arguments against legalisation and about the problems that have arisen in other countries where it is legal. 

It’s now crucial that all MPs and the Government urgently see that there is a large number of voters in each constituency who don’t want an extreme change to our laws that would see the ending of many lives through assisted suicide.

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Ask your MP to stop
assisted suicide being rushed into law