UK Government’s consultation
This tool has now closed.
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The UK Government has launched a consultation on whether to make permanent the current temporary arrangement allowing ‘DIY’ home abortions.
The consultation closed at 11:59pm on 26 February 2021. Full information on the consultation is available here.
If you use the easy-to-use tool below to respond, your response will then be submitted through the UK Government’s submission website. To find out how the Department of Health and Social Care handle your personal data, please see their privacy policy.
We have included suggested answers in each of the sections, if you do have time, we recommend writing this in your own words and adding in any other points you feel are necessary to cover.
We have provided the tool as we have been approached by a number of people that have found the online form on the Government website difficult to follow, and they have asked for us to provide a way for them to make a submission that will be easier for them to complete and help with making the consultation process accessible to more people. We have designed the form below for individuals to submit. If you are an organisation, please see the consultation page for details on how to make a submission.
Alternatively, if you would like to make a submission using the Government’s submission website you can do so here – we have put together a step-by-step guide which will help you with filling the consultation in. Click here to view our consultation guide.