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Press notification: Demonstration outside Parliament against forced abortion


Diary notice: Demonstration outside Parliament against forced abortion

Brief details: Demonstration to gather outside Parliament in response to a ruling made last Friday 21st June where Justice Lieven ordered that a woman with a learning disability who was 22 weeks pregnant must have an abortion against her will.

We will be demonstrating outside Parliament to: 

  • Show our solidarity with this woman, her baby and her wider family who have had to go through this terrible ordeal.
  • Stand in solidarity with all women who have been forced into an abortion in the UK, as unfortunately it likely that this is not a one-off case – and we will be calling on the Department of Health to urgently reveal how many women have been forced by a hospital to have an abortion against their will in the UK and make it clear how they will ensure no women and family will ever have to go through this again.

Date and time: 18:30PM, Tuesday 25 June 2019

Place: Houses of Parliament, Statue of George V, Abingdon Street, London, SW1P 3JY –


  • The demo will include speeches and a photo opportunity with banners and posters.

Full details

Today (25th June) a demonstration will gather outside Parliament in response to a ruling made last Friday 21st June where Justice Lieven ordered that a woman with a learning disability who was 22 weeks pregnant must have an abortion against her will. Our online petition in response to this ruling gathered over 100,000 names. 

Yesterday, after an appeal was brought forward, the original ruling was overturned when three Court of Appeal judges ruled that doctors must not perform an abortion on the woman with a learning disability. This is an absolutely brilliant outcome for the mother, her baby and their extended family.

However, this horrific original ruling should never have happened in the first place. It is totally unacceptable that a mother had to go to the Court of Appeal to stop the state forcing a late-term abortion on her daughter.

We will gather to show solidarity with this woman, her baby and her wider family who have had to go through this terrible ordeal. 

We will also stand in solidarity with all women who have been forced into an abortion in the UK, as unfortunately it likely that this is not a one-off case. 

We will be calling on the Department of Health to urgently reveal how many women have been forced by a hospital to have an abortion against their will in the UK and make it clear how they will ensure no women and family will ever have to go through this again.

Spokesperson for Right To Life UK, Clare McCarthy, said: 

“This is a very welcome decision that will save the life of the unborn child and the mother from a forced late-term abortion and much undue distress. However, the horrific original ruling should never have happened.

“Unfortunately, we fear that this is not a one-off case. We are calling on the Department of Health to urgently reveal how many women have been forced by a hospital to have an abortion against their will in the UK and make it clear how they will ensure it will not happen again.”