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March for Life this Saturday

Thank you to everyone who made a submission to the consultation on the Scottish ‘censorship zones’ Bill. A very large number of the submissions were made to the consultation from supporters. We will keep you updated as the Bill progresses and let you know what you can do next to help stop it from becoming law.


The March for Life will be taking place in London on Saturday (3rd September). There will be an excellent lineup of speakers and a big crowd is expected to be joining the march on the day. 

Our team will have a stall at the LifeFest event that will take place in the morning before the march. If you are coming along, it would be great to meet you, so do visit and say hello to our team who will be on the stall. For more details about the event click here.

We will be also updating our social media channels with photos and videos of the event. Please click the button below and LIKE us on Facebook to keep updated on this and see all our other updates.

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