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Abortion stats released, a national tragedy

This morning the Department of Health and Social Care released the abortion statistics for England and Wales for 2019.

Sadly the number of abortions that took place in 2019 was 209,519, the highest ever since the passing of the Abortion Act in 1967.

It is a national tragedy that these 209,519 lives were lost to abortion.

Every one of these abortions represents a failure of our society to protect the lives of babies in the womb and a failure to offer full support to women with unplanned pregnancies. 

We have provided an in-depth analysis of the figures on the digital news service on our website.


Ahead of the votes at Westminster on Northern Ireland Abortion regulations, momentum is continuing to build for MPs and Peers to vote down the regulations, with a large number of MPs and Peers speaking out against introducing the regulations to Northern Ireland in debates this week. 

We have included coverage of these debates on our digital news service and you can view highlight videos from the debates on our social media channels.


The votes in the Commons and Lords on the Northern Ireland abortion regulations will be next week. 

Over 14,000 people from Northern Ireland have now signed the open letter from Northern Irish Peer Baroness O’Loan and Northern Irish MP Carla Lockhart to MPs and Peers in England, Wales and Scotland to ask them to vote against the regulations.

To put how high this number is in perspective, if the same proportion of the UK population signed a petition, that would equate to over 500,000 people. 

We really need to send a strong message to MPs and Peers that Northern Ireland does not want these regulations by getting as many people to sign the open letter as possible.

If you are from Northern Ireland, and have not signed the open letter yet, please do sign it now by clicking here.

If you have signed the letter or are not from Northern Ireland, please do help out by sharing the letter on social media and with friends in Northern Ireland, to help us get the word out and get as many people as possible adding their name to the letter.

You can do this easily by encouraging people to sign the letter over WhatsApp, on email or on social media:

Many thanks,