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Action alert 🔥 Censorship zone amendment

Thank you to everyone who wrote to their MP asking them to attend the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group’s event at Parliament for MPs on the compelling case for reducing our abortion time limit. There was a good turnout of MPs at the event.  

We also wanted to make contact to let you know of an upcoming threat.

As you may have seen on Right To Life News, Rupa Huq MP has tabled an amendment (NC1) to the Public Order Bill that would introduce ‘censorship zones’ around abortion clinics.

This amendment is due to be debated at Committee Stage of the Bill, which is taking place over a number of sessions over the next two weeks, and the amendment could be debated as early as this Thursday (9 June).

Hundreds of women have been helped by pro-life volunteers outside abortion clinics who have provided them with practical support, which made it clear to them that they had another option other than going through with the abortion. 

The proposed legislation would introduce a jail term of up to two years and/or an unlimited fine for anyone who speaks about abortion to a woman seeking an abortion within 150 metres of every abortion clinic in the country. This would include offering a woman practical, emotional, or financial support to be able to continue a pregnancy if she is unsure about her decision.


We have launched an easy-to-use tool on our website that makes it simple for you to send an email to your MP asking them to oppose this censorship zone amendment. 

Please click the button below to contact your MP now. It only takes 30 seconds.