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Update ahead of the deadline

We have some fantastic news.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of supporters like you, we have now raised just over £83,000, which puts us at 83% of our target.

But we’re not there yet. To effectively fight back against the assisted suicide lobby’s efforts and ensure this extreme Bill is defeated, we still need to close the gap. Our deadline to raise the full £100,000 is midnight this Sunday – we’re so close, but we need one final push.

There are now just hours left until we reach the midnight deadline on Sunday 27 October so we can ensure that this anti-life proposal, which will put hundreds of thousands of vulnerable lives at risk over the coming decades, is stopped in its tracks.

Will you join thousands of others to protect the lives of the vulnerable by making a donation right now?

Please click the button below to make a donation now using our secure online service.

Thank you for your support at this critical time.

to protect vulnerable lives

Help stop three major anti-life threats.

Only hours left to give to the appeal to stop major threat of introducing an extreme assisted suicide law.