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Child safeguarding abortion amendment update

I just wanted to update you to let you know that, sadly, amendment N1, which would have helped protect under 18s from being coerced into abortions, did not go to a vote.

This means that Baroness Sugg’s amendment to the Health and Care Bill, which will allow ‘DIY’ abortions to be available permanently, will proceed without any changes.

A number of Peers spoke in support of the amendment making it very clear that there are serious safety and safeguarding issues for children with these ‘DIY’ home abortion schemes. This gave another opportunity for Parliament and the public to hear about the negative consequences of the schemes for girls and women. Thank you to everyone who wrote to Peers asking them to support the amendment.

I want to emphasise that, although this is the last avenue in Parliament for limiting the scope of Baroness Sugg’s ‘DIY’ abortion amendment, as I covered in my last email, we’ll be doing everything we can to help bring to light the serious harms that these ‘DIY’ abortion schemes are causing for mothers and their unborn children, so that we can build momentum to have these dangerous schemes ended.


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