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Ask your MP to attend a parliamentary meeting to hear from experts on fetal pain

The evidence that babies can feel pain in the womb, and during many abortions, highlights the humanity of the unborn child and provides another important reason to introduce legislation to protect the unborn child from abortion.

To ensure MPs and Peers are aware of the latest evidence regarding fetal pain, the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group has organised a parliamentary meeting next week (Tuesday 17 November) where MPs and Peers will have the opportunity to hear from John Bockmann PA and Dr Stuart Derbyshire, co-authors of a recent Journal of Medical Ethics article, “Reconsidering Fetal Pain”. While these two experts hold ‘divergent views regarding the morality of abortion,’ they have come together to address the science behind fetal pain.  

Dr Stuart Derbyshire served on the 2010 Royal College of Gynaecologists’ working group, which concluded that fetal pain relief for abortion was unneccesary at any gestation. Now, both he and John Bockmann believe there is “good evidence” that the brain and nervous system, which start developing at 12 weeks’ gestation, are sufficient enough for the baby to feel pain.


Please click the button below to invite your MP to attend the meeting next Tuesday. It only takes 30 seconds using our easy-to-use email tool.