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Act now and ask your MP to vote NO to imposing expanded abortion access on Northern Ireland


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Monday 26 April – MPs will vote this week on the Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021. These regulations give the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Brandon Lewis, sweeping new powers to impose expanded abortion access on Northern Ireland.

Already 1,345 lives have been lost to abortion since the UK Government imposed abortion on Northern Ireland in March 2020. Brandon Lewis, commenting on his new powers and how he intends to use them, made it clear that he intends abortion to “become embedded into the health and social care system in Northern Ireland in the longterm”.

Many more lives will likely be lost to abortion in Northern Ireland if the UK Government is able to run roughshod over devolution and impose expanded abortion access on the region.

Please enter your postcode in the box above to email your MP asking them to vote against these new abortion regulations when they are put to a vote this week.

Act now and ask your MP to vote NO to imposing expanded abortion access on Northern Ireland