The Bill’s sponsor, Kim Leadbeater, promised meaningful scrutiny at Committee Stage and claimed her Bill would have the “strictest safeguards anywhere in the world”. Proceedings at Committee Stage have shown these promises to be hollow.
Well over 300 amendments that sought to strengthen safeguards in the Bill and that would have protected vulnerable groups were rejected by Kim Leadbeater and other Bill supporters at Committee Stage. Concerning developments at Committee Stage include:
This decision by Leadbeater and supporters of the Bill to reject countless amendments at Committee Stage, which would have strengthened safeguards in the Bill and protected vulnerable groups, was an intentional choice.
This reveals a deliberate preference for a loose Bill, allowing for future expansion, over a tight law with explicit safeguards. Given the expansion of similar laws elsewhere, this ought to ring significant alarm bells.
It is vital that MPs are made aware of these concerns and it is critically important that MPs realise how many of their constituents continue to have deep concerns about the Bill as a whole, fears that have only been enhanced by the way Leadbeater and her allies have handled Committee Stage of her Bill.
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