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Action alert – Ask your MLAs to shut down the illegal ‘DIY’ abortion service

The abortion lobby is continuing to take advantage of the current Coronavirus crisis to make large changes to abortion provision, including the introduction of ‘DIY’ home abortions.

They have been given what they want in England, Wales and Scotland, but their lobbying has not resulted in the introduction of ‘DIY’ home abortions to Northern Ireland.

Given that they have not been able to force a law change, abortion provider, BPAS, has today launched an illegal ‘DIY’ abortion service in Northern Ireland. They are going to be running this from their English call centre, sending out abortion pills to women and girls in Northern Ireland and breaking the law in the province.

It is vital that this illegal abortion service is shut down as soon as possible, and that it is made clear to politicians in Northern Ireland that the public does not want ‘DIY’ abortions made legal in Northern Ireland.

If you are from Northern Ireland, please click the button below to contact your MLAs and ask them to urgently take action to shut down this illegal abortion service.


Once you have emailed your MLAs, please do let friends and family know to email their MLAs too.

If you are not living in Northern Ireland, please do share this development on social media so we can help get the message out as far as possible.

Thank you for your help with this.